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Jerry Colonna

Reunion digital marketing campaign
Client: Jerry Colonna
Company: Target Marketing Digital
Services: Campaign Strategy, Art Direction, Digital Ads and Organic Social Media Design, Video post-production

Jerry Colonna, CEO & co-founder of

Executive coach Jerry Colonna encourages leaders to consider the ways they have been complicit in, and benefitted from, the conditions in the world they say they’d like to change and shows them the path to creating new systems of inclusion for everyone. His book Reunion guides the reader on a journey of reunification with the disowned parts of themselves, the myths and truths of their ancestors, and a deeper connection with those most affected by systems of exclusion. It was important that his book marketing campaign reflect the book’s wise insights and practical advice on how to create an inclusive and welcoming workspace, discover the best of who we are, and nurture and support those whom we are privileged to lead. To achieve this, a soft, reflective, and emotionally provocative campaign was created.